Maputo Corridor Logistics Initiative

Our Partners

MCLI Co-Operative Partners

MCLI launched our co-operative partnership agenda to strengthen our business mandate.

MCLI offers two ways in which stakeholders can ensure that their interests are represented in the development of the Maputo Transport Corridor. Companies who operate and use the Corridor and thereby have a direct stake in its development, can join MCLI by becoming a member.

Organisations which act as representatives of their members and who thereby have an indirect stake in the development of the Maputo Corridor are invited to apply to join in a co-operative partnership with MCLI for the mutual benefit of our respective members. If accepted by both parties, these partnerships are formalised into an agreement which excludes a trading and liability partnership relationship.

MCLI is founded on the principle of making the Maputo Corridor the first choice for all stakeholders and a co-operative partnership with representative organisations will ensure that overlapping areas of activities may be coordinated without interfering with independence, whilst providing for the optimal utilisation of specialised focus areas, aims and objectives.

You can read more about our co-operative partners by clicking in their logo below.